Everything you need to know about to Patent Your Idea

Let’s say you have an brilliant idea or invention that no one have ever devised like before and you are sure the second it hits the market it can be super successful as it is solving some genuine problem and have an potential to generate revenue that will be super profitable. There comes a patent to save your business idea for protecting your intellectual property.

If you patent your invention or idea, it will save you from the competitors or copy cats that will start to knock off your hard work, by selling your idea under their own name or through patenting under their own name.

Too get started further

Let’s understand what is patent?

Patent is an exclusive legal license granted for the invention, which is product or the process that provides solutions, in general, new ways of doing something, or offer a new technical solution to the problem. It gives the inventor the ownership right for 20 years and allows inventor to manufacture, offer for sale, and present the invention or process for licensing or even to sell the patented idea or the product in the market. 

If you don’t file patent application to patent a process or idea or invention, the there is little you can do to prevent others from profiting of your great idea or invention.


Can We Get a Patent for an Idea?

No, you cannot patent your idea directly, but you can indirectly through the invention that has been derived from that idea.

Patent may only be granted on physical manifestations of ideas, machines and products, but not the underlying object itself.

Moreover, while filing the patent application, the description of the idea and the invention must also be included.


Who can apply to patent an idea?

  • Inventor for the idea
  • A legal representative or the executor of the inventor
  • Co-inventors
  • Or the person to whom the invention has been transferred.


Why Patenting an Idea is Worth It

Patent plays an important role in protecting an invention. You can patent your idea by converting it in form of invention. A patent can legally protect the invention, design or the process that meet specific condition for up to 20 years.

Moreover, once the patent on idea is granted you can enjoy the exclusive rights on the invention to use it for earning profit, by selling your idea or by offering it for licensing.

You will enjoy the monopoly like advantage in the market for your idea.

You can use the patent to stop your competitors from doing things that infringes upon your patent.

You can potentially sell the rights to your invention to other business that will result in securing the significant profit just for the idea.

If someone breaches your patent, sue that for the significant money.


Documents required to patent an idea-

If you have an idea that you want to protect but you don’t have a material required for patent application, then you can file for provisional patent, which will protect your patent for a year meanwhile you can gather the documents.


  • You need to fill out a form called Form-1.
  • You need to prove that you have the right to apply for the patent. This proof can either be a note at the end of your application or a separate agreement that you attach to your application.
  • If you don't have all the details for your invention yet, you can submit a provisional description. But within 12 months, you need to provide a complete description in Form-2.
  • If it's necessary, you'll have to provide a statement and a promise (undertaking) in Form-3. You can do this when you apply or within 6 months from the application date.
  • If your patent application includes a full description, is based on a global treaty (PCT), or falls under a convention, you need to fill out Form-5 or a Declaration about who the inventors are. You have one month to do this from the application date, if you ask the Controller by filing Form-4.
  • If a Patent Agent is handling your application, they may need to show their authority with Form-26. If it's a general authority, they can attach a self-attested copy.
  • In some cases, you have to submit a "priority document," especially if it's a Convention Application or a PCT National Phase Application without fulfilling certain rules. This must be done with your application or before 18 months from the priority date for early publication.
  • All patent applications need to be signed by the applicant, an authorized person, or a Patent Attorney. Make sure to include their name and the date.
  • The last page of your provisional or complete specification should be signed by the applicant or agent. If there are drawings, they need to be signed in the bottom right corner by the applicant or their agent.


Bonus Tip-

Commercializing your patent idea is important to generate a profit through selling your idea or the invention or the process or through offering your invention for licensing to general public or the organization. So you can market your patent through investing in marketing material, like 2D animated video, website for your business, email marketing templates and many more.

To know more about marketing Material for your invention, mail us at info@patenttovideo.com